Boat to Boat Easter 2016

We were delighted to see 40 members at the beginning of season 'Easter Boat to Boat' 
where we met new cruising friends and catch up with our well established friends. 
Ten 'Host' boats welcomed their visitors, three of which were hosting for the first time. 
This social would not be possible without the host boats and of course our participants. 
This social is now well established where we organise for each person to go to an allocated 
boat for the first hour, then a hooter indicates a change of boat where everyone moves to 
the next allocated boat. 
Another enjoyable hour in company when the horn sounds for the official finish. 
Some carry on partying after the 'Boat to Boat' on friends boats etc. 
The pictures bellow represent a jolly good time had by all. 
We now will look forward to our 'End of Season Boat to Boat' in October.

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