Three cruising boats wanted to set their mark in the sand on Porth Bach beach for the first BBQ of the year before the end of March.
Enjoying themselves in glorious sunshine, idyllic weather for this time of year. As one cruising member expressed "Everything is an
"ADVENTURE", sea sickness, exhilaration or fear". On this occasion two thirds came true.
After a fab BBQ the three boats returned to the marina only for one member to ask "Has anyone got my shoes?" ( These shoes had
only been bought a few weeks earlier in Nice, France). 
Initially, it was thought that there was a 'prank' in action, only to found........not true. After much deliberation a) go back by jet ski,
b)go back by boat, or c) by land....mmmm decisions....decisions. 
The three men that were now believing that they were being assessed for the 'Bear Grylls Survival team' went by land. ( Well he is
only on an Island a stone throw away after all, we can all dream)!!!
Free climbing down the rock face, with guuuuee grime to hold to. This 'previously known as an idyllic beach' now a lethal rock face
down to rescue THE shoes. The tide now was coming in. This beach is mainly accessible on half tide by sea. These enthusiastic
troopers worked their way down, not without fear, to rescue the shoes. The shoes that will soon be floating on the water, maybe
cruising to Ireland and beyond!!!!
Once safely down on the beach a gasp of disappointment filled the air. The shoes had gone...yes....gone. Not by sea but by other
visitors. Footprints gave the game away.
The Bear Grylls team, after their adventure, replaced their disappointment with exhilaration of seeing wooden steps climbing the
rock face back to their vehicle at the top. Thank goodness for that.
A day to remember or was this PORTH BACH ADVENTURE BBQ.

