

Diary ready for the next 'Cruising' dates? 
IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE PLEASE CONTACT:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ANNUAL CRUISING MEETING -March 25th, 6:30p.m

Thanks for your involvement and support in 2015. 
Now we start another year with more cruising activities with the hope that the weather will be kind to us in 2016.
We are intending on holding our 'Annual Cruising Meeting' on Good Friday, as usual, 
with a complimentary glass of wine and nibbles. 
This year it will be held at Plas Heli in the restaurant area.
In order to facilitate wine and nibbles we would appreciate you informing us if you are able to be present as we will need to cater for the numbers involved.
On this evening we will also be presenting the trophies for 2015 Cruising.

Two cups have been awarded in the past for Cruising achievements:-

  1. 'Cowper Passage Cup.'
  2. 'Gimlet Rock Trophy.'
  3. Of course we cannot forget the third trophy 'Pillocks Pot.' Most probably you will have the gist of this trophy by its title.
We would welcome nominations for the above,by return if possible,with a brief 
Sailing boatBOAT TO BOAT' - Saturday, March the 26th, 2016.Anchor
Following our tradition over the last few years we will have the 'Boat to Boat' on Saturday afternoon.
Socialising to welcome the new Cruising Season.
If you are able to be a host boat for this occasion we would appreciate it if you can let us know a.s.a.p. We have been very fortunate of volunteers in the past and without 'host boats' this activity would not be possible.
'Cruising Plans'.
If you would like to share your cruising plans for 2016 please let us know as Cruising in company is a great way of being out on the water having the support of others and socialising when you arrive at the destination.
