Racing Captain Victoria Cox reports - As golden colours start to appear on the trees and crisp leaves crunch underfoot, it can only mean one thing....... it’s time for the Pwllheli Challenge "Autumn Series", 4 weekends of racing round the cans. And having lost our scheduled Spring Series racing due to Covid-19, we’ll make the most of any good weather and continue late into the year with the Pwllheli Winter Series too. I’m sure everyone is eager to continue on the water for as long as possible to make up for missed sailing earlier in the year.

 Both series will include several classes dependant on number of entries and will also include an NHC class for cruisers. Online entry is open and early entry is encouraged by the 18th September to allow class splits to be calculated prior to the series start. Why not take this opportunity to subscribe to the CHPSC Skippers membership if you haven’t already. 

 As we are all becoming accustomed to during these times, some changes have been applied, namely the number of crew allowed and as a result, the number of races scheduled per weekend. 

 All amendments, notice of race, SSIs and full details can be found here

 Please make note of the amendment to crew numbers and the responsibility of skippers to help limit the spread of Covid. There has been an immense amount of work and negotiations by our flag officers this year to enable us to enjoy the racing we have done. As none of us want to return to the restrictions imposed back in April where we weren’t even able to visit our boats, it is important that we all do our bit to comply.

 Pwllheli Sailing Club is ready -if you are we can’t wait to see you all out on the water for some fantastic racing.

Member Spotlight - Roger Fitzgerald 

Long time member Roger recently competed in the NHC cruiser event, part of the IRC Welsh Championships, and has been a great supporter of the cruiser class in recent years. Roger generally races with  his grandchildren on his Dehler 29 "Ella Trout III".

Roger is also a proflific solo racer, having completed many elements of the Jester Challenge, reresenting Pwllheli with aplomb.  We invite you to view an account of his solo atlantic crossing to Newport Rhode Island 10 years ago, this can be viewed here. 

We look forward to seeing Roger on the start line for many more years, and reading/watching his accounts.

ellatroutElla Trout III competing in this years IRC Welsh Nationals - Cruiser Class 

CHIPAC  (Clwb Hwylio Ieuenctid Pwllheli A'r Cylch) - our youth sailing section  continue their 2020 programme, and can be seen in actionon Friday evenings from the balcony.

Members holding RYA  Dinghy or Senior Instructor qualifications who would like to help out with CHIPAC, please reply to this email

  "Back to Boating" - Task Force Update 

 Vice Commodore Gerallt Williams, our Task Force leader reported as follows:

"Track and Trace" is an essential element of our back to boating protocol, and one that is mandated for the leisure sector by Welsh Government. We have two track and trace email addresses, one for the Bar as highlighted below (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and one for the compound and pontoons (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) - it only takes a few seconds with a smart phone to record your visit, this helps us comply with COVID regulations, and you are assured we  operate strict data protection protocols.

* If you are, or intend being a user of the Plas Heli pontoons, please read and adhere to the pontoon protocols which are available here *

* If you are, or intend being a user of the Plas Heli compound for dinghy sailing, please read and adhere to the Plas Heli compound protocol - available here *

Read more about the work of the 'Back to Boating Task Force' here

 Club What’s On:

 The "Tremadog Triangle" and "Commodore’s Challenge" are available for members to attempt  – see the website for details of both race-tracks here   

Pwllheli Challenge starts tomorrow, 19th September. Any potential crew should meet the skippers in Plas Heli on Friday evening

Plas Heli:.


Monday /Tuesday - Closed

Wednesday/Thursday 12:00 - 20:30   (food service 12-19:00)

Friday/Saturday 12:00 - 22:00  (food service 12-20:00)

Sunday 12:00 - 18:00

The email address for track and trace is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  it is a Welsh Government requirement that this protocol is  followed, so please record your visit to Plas Heli by sending a quick email.  Limited inside space is now available as 2m distancing must be maintained by different households unless in an extended household, and a maximum of 6 to a table (plus those aged 11 or younger)

 Outside space is also open, and less restrictive. It is crucial to not move furniture, to comply with distancing regulations.  In addition, exiting the bar should normally be via the deck and down the stairs to the beach carpark, to provide a one way flow. There are several sanitisation stations in the building.

Please help the bar/catering staff, Plas Heli management team, and club flag officers in complying with these requirements, 

 New codes on all gates - please don’t pass on these numbers. Anyone with a genuine need to access the pontoons, compounds or other gated areas will be provided with the code, combination or key. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details, or talk to one of your Flag Officers. The Plas Heli event car park  on the quay is also available for members parking, should the main Plas Heli car park fill up - for a parking permit see instructions below.

 Future Plas Heli/PSC hosted Events:

CHIPAC - Friday Evenings 

Autumn Series (Pwllheli Challenge) starts 19th September

Regional Junior Championships – 26-27th September

Thought for  the Day:

"Your direction is more important than your speed"



For more information, membership links and the latest weather and webcam

go to:


Plas Heli Quayside Parking

The parking area on the Plas Heli Quayside is available for paid up CHPSC members and to authorised pontoon users.

To obtain a parking permit 

The parking area is accessed through the gate adjacent to the old club building

The code to the gate is changed regularly and can be obtained through the website  > Facilities> Parking.  For convenience follow this shortcut link here

Fill in the details – put a tick in the box to confirm that you are a CHPSC member (have your 2020 membership number ready)

Then in the payment bit – use ‘I am a paid up CHPSC member and request permit for parking’ - Then Submit

You will then get a return e-mail with instructions

Please make sure the gate is closed and locked at all times and that the padlock is never left open or with the code left on the dial


pwllheli logo low res
