As the Autumn approaches, its seems reasonable to reflect on our year so far, and thank all our members and volunteers for their patience and understanding as we dealt with the changing regulations as a result of the pandemic. April started with the lockdown and the club having to hold its AGM via "Zoom", the first RYA CW affiliated club to do so, and also the disappointing decision, in conjunction with Plas Heli, to postpone thee RYA Youth Nationals, after a tremendous amount of preparation. A task force of enthusiastic members joined with Plas Heli directors to manage our pathway back to boating, with protocols devised to enable us to initially open the PH pontoons and compounds, and ultimately the centre, such that when lock down as eased we were able to start activities without delay.

Adhoc racing started in June, with fixed courses, followed by some gentle racing in July with no entry fees and an open invitation to local clubs to take part. Finally working with RYA CW, we were able to hold our IRC Welsh Nationals, in a different format. 

Members have also enjoyed the balcony and bar at Plas Heli with the ample space enabling fresh air and social distancing, and some basic catering offerings to complement the bar. Your Flag Officers work closely with Plas Heli to ensure that the facilities are appropriate for our needs including the service provided and opening hours, and it has been a highlight of the year how well this partnership has benefitted the club

CHPSC hosted the UK ISORA fleet, and we organised some NHC cruiser racing to complement the coastal racing, great to see new boats competing, and winning. Many members cruised the bay, enjoying some excellent sailing conditions and visited local harbours.

The Autumn series is planned to start on schedule, CHIPAC have resumed their activities on Friday evenings and welcome more volunteers, to help promote youth sailing. 

It is not clear whether an Autumn supper or Christmas Ball will take place, but rest assured we will continue to interpret regulations, and if it is possible, but crucially sensible we will organise as many activities as we can.


The final race of the  ISORA UK Eight race series was completed in champagne sailing conditions last Saturday, with Mojito finishing the 68 mile race just ahead of Jackknife, to confirm they have  become the Inaugural UK Series winners, to add to the coastal title awarded  the previous week. Congratulations to Peter and Vicky and the Mojito crew, and to all the crew and skippers who took part in this series, which had to be devised and adjusted at short notice as COVID restrictions continued to affect the original programme.

In Ireland, the series was won by Paul O'Higgins-  Rockabill VI

Let's hope our traditional format can resume next year, and we can welcome Irish boats into our home port and enjoy some Irish Craic both at home base, and in Ireland.


MOJITO at the front of the UK ISORA fleet, off the start line at Gimlet rock

Club Racing

The Pwllheli Challenge and Autumn Series starts on September the 19th, with racing planed for both IRC and NHC Cruisers. It is planned that the NHC cruisers will start their first race 10 minutes after the IRC classes. To help our planning for the series, it would be helpful if those not holding skippers memberships could enter on line as early as possible (here) and if all potential Pwllheli Challenge entrants could register their intentions by email  at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can work out the format ahead of race day 1 on the 19th September. 

CHIPAC  (Clwb Hwylio Ieuenctid Pwllheli A'r Cylch) - our youth sailing section  continue their 2020 programme, and can be seen in action on Friday evenings from the balcony.

Members holding RYA  Dinghy or Senior Instructor qualifications who would like to help out with CHIPAC, please reply to this email

  "Back to Boating" - Task Force Update 

 Vice Commodore Gerallt Williams, our Task Force leader reported as follows:

"Track and Trace" is an essential element of our back to boating protocol, and one that is mandated for the leisure sector by Welsh Government. We have two track and trace email addresses, one for the Bar as highlighted below (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and one for the compound and pontoons (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) - it only takes a few seconds with a smart phone to record your visit, this helps us comply with COVID regulations, and you are assured we  operate strict data protection protocols.

* If you are, or intend being a user of the Plas Heli pontoons, please read and adhere to the pontoon protocols which are available here *

* If you are, or intend being a user of the Plas Heli compound for dinghy sailing, please read and adhere to the Plas Heli compound protocol - available here *

Read more about the work of the 'Back to Boating Task Force' here


Club What’s On:

 The "Tremadog Triangle" and "Commodore’s Challenge" are available for members to attempt  – see the website for details of both race-tracks here   

Plas Heli:.


Monday /Tuesday - Closed

Wednesday/Thursday 12:00 - 20:30   (food service 12-19:00)

Friday/Saturday 12:00 - 22:00  (food service 12-20:00)

Sunday 12:00 - 18:00

The email address for track and trace is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  it is a Welsh Government requirement that this protocol is  followed, so please record your visit to Plas Heli by sending a quick email.  Limited inside space is now available as 2m distancing must be maintained by different households unless in an extended household.  Outside space is also open. It is crucial to not move furniture, to comply with distancing regulations.  In addition, exiting the bar should normally be via the deck and down the stairs to the beach carpark, to provide a one way flow. There are several sanitisation stations in the building.

Please help the bar/catering staff, Plas Heli management team, and club flag officers in complying with these requirements, 

The fund raiser for Macmillan Cancer Support, last Saturday September the 5th  hosted by  Bar and Catering manager Sophie raised over £110 Thankyou to the members donating cakes and for the donations.

 New codes on all gates - please don’t pass on these numbers. Anyone with a genuine need to access the pontoons, compounds or other gated areas will be provided with the code, combination or key. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details, or talk to one of your Flag Officers. The Plas Heli event car park  on the quay is also available for members parking, should the main Plas Heli car park fill up - for a parking permit see instructions below.

NHC Cruisers

NHC Cruiser Racing - Rob and Sarah Smith - "Perfect Pitch: - currently top of the Tremadog Triangle NHC Leaderboard leads the fleet 

Future Plas Heli/PSC hosted Events:

CHIPAC - Friday Evenings 

Autumn Series (Pwllheli Challenge) starts 19th September

Regional Junior Championships – 26-27th September

Thought for  the Day:

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."



For more information, membership links and the latest weather and webcam

go to:


Plas Heli Quayside Parking

The parking area on the Plas Heli Quayside is available for paid up CHPSC members and to authorised pontoon users.

To obtain a parking permit 

The parking area is accessed through the gate adjacent to the old club building

The code to the gate is changed regularly and can be obtained through the website  > Facilities> Parking.  For convenience follow this shortcut link here

Fill in the details – put a tick in the box to confirm that you are a CHPSC member (have your 2020 membership number ready)

Then in the payment bit – use ‘I am a paid up CHPSC member and request permit for parking’ - Then Submit

You will then get a return e-mail with instructions

Please make sure the gate is closed and locked at all times and that the padlock is never left open or with the code left on the dial


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