Fwydlen syml ar gael ar bob adeg resymol yn ystod y dydd
The bar menu is available at all reasonable times during the day

Cinio Dydd Sul - Carferi 12.00-14.30 bob dydd Sul 
Sunday Lunch Carvery Service 12.00 to 14.30 every Sunday (please book a table to avoide dissapointment)
Full Carvery Menu

Gall amseroedd yr bar amrywio ar gyfer achlysuron arbennig
Bar times shown are normal and will vary for special occasions

I gael mynediad mewn argyfwng yn unig ffoniwch 07826853585
To gain entry in emergencies only telephone 07826853585

Mae oriau agor ar ddisgresiwn y Stiward
All opening hours are at the discretion of the Steward


Gall amseroedd yr bar a'r gali amrywio ar gyfer achlysuron arbennig
Bar and Galley times shown are normal and will vary for special occasions


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