CHPSC Racing schedule 2017

The 2017 race programme has been designed to meet the increased interest in Club Racing and we aim to provide racing to meet everyone's needs, IRC, NHC, sport-boats and white sail class.

Whether you are a regular racer, new to racing or interested in trying your first race, we would love to hear from you and answer any queries. Below is the 2017 schedule - if you have any questions or suggestions about it please let us know. If there is sufficient interest, we can also arrange additional race weekends - just let us know.

We look forward to seeing you out on the water and in the Club.

We aim to have a pre-race week gathering on Friday nights so that you can discuss tactics and plan your racing. There will also be a post-race gathering so that crew can share experiences in a friendly environment.

NB. The event and training pontoons offer an ideal base for racing and further information about these facilities are available on the Plas Heli web site.

Click here for a pop up race Schedule


events - this month

events - next month

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