This is a copy of an e-mail sent to club members and friends. Have you received your copy?

The Welsh version is available here

From:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.              Wednesday 27, January 2010
Reminder of Special Meeting
There is a special meeting on Saturday 30th January, 2010 at 10.30 hours at the Clubhouse , with the object of  considering and, if thought fit, to pass a Resolution that the Club adopts  electronic communication as the default mechanism for communication between the Club and its members.
A copy of the notice circulated is available on our web page – follow this link.
Curry and Quiz - This Saturday 30th January
Curry & Poppodums @ £7.50 Quiz starts at 9.00ish.
£1per team member proceeds to CHIPAC.    
Prizes for winning team and best team name.
·        Sat 13 – St. Valentine’s night 3 course dinner - Tickets £15.95* Book soon as numbers limited. 
·        Sat 27 – St. David's Day – 2 course dinner - Tickets £11 *
·        Sun 14 – Mothering Sunday - 2 course Lunch £10.95*
·        Sat 20 – Paddy's Night – 2 course dinner £11* – Irish music from Chris Hayward & Friends
·        Fri 2 (Good Friday) Start of Season Supper £7.50 & Family Nautical Quiz (starts at 7.00pm)
·        Sun 4 – Easter Sunday lunch 1 course £7.50
·        Sun 4 – 3.00pm Children's Easter Egg Hunt & Easter bonnet competition
Note: Early booking (at least 4 days before a ticketed event see*) will entitle each member to receive an early booking discount of £1pp. (only applies to ticketed events)
Plus lots more - Watch out for more info about all our events on the club notice boards, the bar and the club’s website. Please note that these events are subject to possible change.
Reservations - Bar: 01758 614442
Club Racing
We thought it would be a good idea to provide an update on the information that is now available in respect of this year’s racing.
The full racing calendar is available by following this link.
We have included information and dates of other racing events and hope this will help you decide on your 2010 programme.
Please contact us with any suggestions - messages can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We hope you have a great sailing year.
Mailspeed Marine Regatta News
We are pleased to announce that Mailspeed Marine have again this year agreed to sponsor this regatta which will be hosted by Pwllheli Sailing Club on 1st to 3rd May 2010.
This regatta will have committee boat starts and a variety of races to please all. More information available Link Here
The Notice of Race will be available shortly.
The 2010 Race Pack
All of the information that you will require for racing in Pwllheli is now available on our web site and can be found by following this link.
This information includes a chart, list of marks, list of fixed courses and the 2010 Sailing Instructions.
For those who want to do some off shore racing there are ten ISORA races to choose from and includes a non spinnaker class.
These include two day races starting and finishing in Pwllheli. Four races across the Irish Sea (with 2 starts in Pwllheli).
To win the overall series - boats must complete 5 out of the 10 races. Three of the races MUST be passage races across the Irish Sea. Points for the overall series will be taken from the best 5 results.
The ISORA 2010 Race Program, Notice of Race and Entry Form are all available by following the link from the ISORA page on our web site. Follow this link.
IRC News
The IRC incentive scheme provides a 50% reduction on IRC New Application Fees for boats who wish to enter regattas and is available for boats that have not held an IRC Certificate in the previous 5 years.
Payment for the cut price certificates can be made to Pwllheli Sailing Club.
More information can be found on the Club Official Notice Board or please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A copy of the IRC information sheet is available on our web page link here.
The IRC Year Book has also been published and copies are available in the Clubroom. A copy of the Year Book is available on the RORC web site - follow this link.
From Our Events Manager
I’d like to draw your attention to a very exciting event in May for the young people in Gwynedd.
It gives me great pleasure to break the news that in May 2010 ‘Challenge Wales’- Which has circumnavigated the World 2 times, will be berthed at Pwllheli.
Our hope at Pwllheli Sailing Club is that we can get enough interest to give local youngsters from School the opportunity to spend time on the boat. The three day course format will be first day of local training and then a 2 day sail to use the student’s new knowledge. Weather permitted we might visit Ireland for the evening.
The cost of the Course would be £165 – which includes Bed and Board for the 3 days. Bargain!
It will be expected that everyone pulls their weight on the boat – hoisting sails, trimming sails, helming, navigating, cooking and working as a team to sail the boat. We hope a teacher from the school and 2 volunteer from the club will assist the professional Skipper from the boat.
If this prospect excites you or if you know of anybody who would gain something from the unforgettable experience then a send a £50 deposit before the end of Feb.  
If you would like any more information or questions please contact me at the club 01758613343
Gareth Roberts. Events Manager.
Pwllheli Sailing Club .
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Other useful links to the CHPSC web page
·        Weather and Tides
·        Christmas Newsletter
·        2010 Sponsors
·        CHPSC Cups and Trophies
Membership Fees – Rebate
Remember to pay your membership fees before 31st January to benefit from the rebate.
The membership application / renewal form can be downloaded by following this link.
E- mail communication
Please forward this e-mail message to anyone who you may think would be interested in receiving this information. If you receive this as a forwarded message from a friend and would like to be included in the next mailing please let us know by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If you have received this e-mail by error or if you do not wish to receive these messages about sailing in Pwllheli please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Cysylltwch a Ni / Contact Us:
Swyddfa / Office  01758 613343   Fax  01758 612134Bar / Clubroom 01758 614442
Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is registered in Wales - number 673674.
Registered business address: Hafan, Glan Y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL535YT
Y mae’r neges hon at ddefnydd yr unigolyn neu’r corff y’i cyfeiriwyd ato, a gall gynnwys gwybodaeth breifat, cyfrinachol na ddylid ei datgelu.
This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure.



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