Autumn Series - 4 Weekends of Racing in September and October as part of the Pwllheli Challenge

Weekend 1 - starts on Saturday 19th September

Weekend 2 - starts on Saturday 3rd October

Weekend 3 - starts on Saturday 10th October

Weekend 4 - starts on Saturday 24th October Cancelled see Amendment No. 6 to SSIs (below)

Amendment to SSIs and SIS

Amendment 6.  20th October 2020

Racing scheduled on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October is Cancelled. 
This is in accordance with instructions from RYA Cymru Wales following the announcement by Welsh Government on a Fire Break Lock Down

Amendment 5 . 1st October 2020 - Warning Signal Times

The first warning signals for weekends 2 (3rd and 4th October ) will all be brought forward by half another half an hour to 10:00 local time to allow those with larger keels to finish racing and return before low water. 

Amendment 4 . 15th September 2020 - Warning Signal Times
The first warning signals for weekends 1 and 2 ( 19th & 20th September and 3rd and 4th October ) will all be brought forward by half an hour to 10:30 local time to allow those with larger keels to finish racing and return before low water. 

Amendment 3 . 14th September 2020 - Sunday Series

The results of Sunday Races will be extracted from overall results to publish a Sunday Series Results. Competitors wishing to be scored only in the Sunday series must declare this to the Racing Captain by e-mail to Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

Amendment 2 . 14th September 2020 - Number of Races
There will be no more than two races per day

Amendment 1 . 14th September 2020 - Crew Numbers

IRC Classes: The crew numbers will be limited for Covid-19 reasons to 80% of IRC certificate number rounded up or down to the nearest person but to a maximum of six crew with an additional two spaces for youth sailors 12 years old or less.

By example for IRC Classes: 

 Crew Number of Certificate 80% of Cert Number Rounded up/down Max Crew Number
 9 7.2   7  6
8 6.4   6  6
 7 5.6   6  6
 6 4.8   5  5
5  4  4


NHC Class: The crew numbers will be limited for Covid-19 reasons to a maximum of six crew with an additional two spaces for youth sailors 12 years old or less.

All Classes - Crew must be aware that crew numbers are allowed provided that mitigation measures are applied this is the skippers responsibility - see the RYA Cymru Wales Guidence here

On line entry form >here

Note: IRC class split will be announced when all entries are in but not after 1200hrs Friday 18th September

SSIs is now published below (Refresh your browser screen if you cant see it )

pwllheli logo low res
