Gyda thristwch yr adroddwn farwolaeth Huw Tudor 1934 - 2023

Huw first became a member of CHPSC in 1967 when the club occupied its first home at Gimblet Rock. His first boat was a little fishing boat called Gay-Anna, after his wife Gaynor and daughter Anna.

HuwTudorHe soon became involved with the club management and was elected Commodore in 1977 to 1978.

Huw was a keen racing member of the club with boats Rev De Mer, Revel and subsequently a regular competitive competitor in ISORA offshore racing from 1976 with Gwobr Aur and then Panache.

Huw completed several Fastnet Races and was a team member on Gwilym Evans’s Corwynt Cymru with high profile wins in Cork Week, Round Ireland Races, and the Scottish Series in Loch Fyne.

He was Hon Secretary of the ISORA Race week in Pwllheli and Abersoch in 1982 with over 120 boats and famous for the massive sunflower (photo in the bar)

He took great pride in talking about being able to sail with three generations which was more important than the race wins.

Chairman of the Llyn and Pwllheli Harbour Users Association and Chairman of Porth Pwllheli, a focus group and driving force behind the establishment of the Marina.

Father of John and Anna and of former commodores Richard and Stephen Tudor.

Huw had great pride and fondness in his family, business, sailing and religion.

The funeral is at Capel y Drindod Pwllheli at 1300hrs Wednesday 22nd March, then at Denio Cemetery and all then welcomed to a funeral tea at Plas Heli / The Club.
