This document gives notice of a Special Meeting called for Saturday 30th January, 2010 at 10.30 hours at the Clubhouse , with the object of considering and, if thought fit, to pass a Resolution that the Club adopts electronic communication as the default mechanism for communication between the Club and its members.
The background information is as given below:-
The Club wishes to take advantage of the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, which allows the Club to communicate “officially” with members electronically and via the website.
To this end a special meeting will be called to hear the proposal seeking approval to the default means of communication to be electronic and web based.
However, individuals will retain the right to receive communication on paper if they so wish and so elect.
Should the proposal be passed, then each member will receive a paper notification of the default to electronic communication, inviting members to confirm their wish for paper notification. A “no response” within 28 days will be treated as a positive confirmation.
One immediate benefit will be the considerable reduction in cost of printing and mailing out copies of accounts and the postage cost of members’ mailings.
Richard Wray
Ysgrifennydd anrhydeddus
Honorary Secretary
Dyddiad / Date    19th December 2009


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