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King Constantine Cup 2013 ISORA Pwllheli to Pwllheli

Racing ForIRC and National Handicap for Cruisers NHC.


Number of Races

Warning Signal

Saturday 27th July

One long Bay Race


The King Constantine Cup Race and ISORA P2P will be a long bay race and the course will be announced by the Race Officer. CHPSC Bridge Start.

(See CHPSC Race Pack for Sailing Instructions, Courses and Chart).

This is an Open Event - all competitors and their crews (guests) will become temporary members of CHPSC for the duration of the event. (Subject to 3.5 below)

On Line Results by Sailwave

  The 2013 King Constantine Cup Race and ISORA P2P

Notice of Race & Entry Form

$11.                      Organisation. 

$11.1.           The 2013 King Constantine Cup Race and ISORA P2P is organised by Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club (CHPSC) AND isora.

$11.2.           Enquiries, correspondence and entries should be sent to:-

$11.3.           The Sailing Committee, Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club, Glan y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 5YT

$11.4.           Tel: Vicky Cox or Stephen Tudor 07977929116 E-mail Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

$12.                      Rules.

$12.1.           The Racing will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016 (RRS). The Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club’s Sailing Instructions 2013,

$12.2.           IRC rules part A, B & C shall apply to IRC racing.

$12.3.           Handicapping by RYA National Handicap for Cruisers (NHC) Club series shall apply.

$12.4.           In the event of conflict, the CHPSC 2013 Sailing Instructions will prevail. This changes RRS 63.7

$13.                      RYA Racing Charter

$13.1.           Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club implements the RYA Racing Charter which requires both competitors to sail, and organisers to provide, racing in compliance with the Charter, which can be found at the front of the RYA rule book (Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016) or at

$14.                      Entries, Registration & Eligibility

$14.1.           The 2013 King Constantine Cup Race and ISORA P2P is an open event and entries are invited from CHPSC members and non-members.

$14.2.           The 2013 King Constantine Cup Race and ISORA P2P will provide racing for the following classes of yachts and the Class divisions will be as follows:-



IRC – NHC Club


numeral pennant 1 (White with Red spot)




numeral pennant 3 (Red, White and Blue vertical stripes)

All IRC  & NHC Club White Sail Class

$14.3.           These ranges may be changed at the discretion of the sailing committee

$14.4.           Class Flags will be flown from the backstay of each competing yacht.

$14.5.           Yachts shall belong to or be chartered to and be under the control of a member of a yacht club affiliated to the RYA or other equivalent national authority.

$14.6.           Entries shall be made on the Official Entry Form which is attached to this Notice of Race and this should be posted in the official race entry box located next to the official Notice Board in the entrance hallway of CHPSC.

$14.7.           The entry form must be accompanied with the appropriate entry fee and for IRC entries a copy of a valid IRC Certificate.

$14.8.           Entries will, in exceptional circumstances, be accepted, at the Race Officers discretion, by VHF for yachts arriving from other clubs.

$14.9.           The Race Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry and/or to ask any boats to complete further undertaking or declarations before accepting their entry.

$14.10.        Yachts may enter both or either race. Entries for a single days racing may be accepted on that day.

$14.11.        Registration can be done at the CHPSC club room. Race packs are available for printing from the CHPSC and web page. Printed copies are available from CHPSC on request to the Race Management Team.

$15.                      Measurement

$15.1.           For IRC competitors a valid and current IRC rating certificates must be presented with the race entry form.

$15.2.           The race series will be dual scored using the IRC and NHC Handicapping by RYA National Handicap for Cruisers (NHC) Club. This is to encourage boats that do not hold a valid IRC certificate to race.

$16.                      Compliance with Class Rules; Certificates

$16.1.           The Race Committee may inspect or measure any boat or personal equipment, at any time.

$17.                      Changes in Sailing Instructions

$17.1.           Any change to Sailing Instructions will be posted by 08.30hrs on the day it will take effect and may be repeated on the Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club Web Page.

$18.                      Schedule of Races.

$18.1.           The race schedule will be as shown on the front page of this Notice of Race. The Race Officer will decide if there is to be one start for all classes or separate starts for each class or a group of classes. This will be announced by VHF (Channel 17) and flags.

$18.2.           The type of racing will be a long bay race and the course will be announced by the Race Officer and will be based on the schedule of marks provided in the CHPSC 2013 Race Pack available on the CHPSC web page.

$19.                      Advertising

$19.1.           The racing will be a Category C event.

$19.2.           All yachts may be presented with a sponsor’s flag or decals, which must be displayed at all times (if provided).

$110.                   Scoring System

$110.1.        Scoring will be in accordance with Appendix A of the Racing Rules of Sailing and for ISORA using the ISORA series scoring.

$111.                    Risk Statement

$111.1.        RRS Rule 4 of the Racing Rules of Sailing states: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone.”

$111.2.        Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking part in the event, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that:

(a)        They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport   and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking         part in the event;

(b)        They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat and their other property    whether afloat or ashore;

(c)        They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omission;

(d)        Their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate;

(e)        The provision of a race management team, patrol boats and other officials and volunteers by the event organiser does not relieve them of their own responsibilities;

(f)         The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather    conditions, as can be practically provided in the circumstances;

(g)        They are responsible for ensuring that their boat is equipped and seaworthy so as to be able to face extremes of weather; that there is crew sufficient in number, experience and fitness to withstand such weather; and that the safety equipment is properly maintained, stowed and in date and is familiar to the crew.

(h)        Their boat is adequately insured, with cover of at least £3,000,000 against third party claims.

$112.                   Safety

$112.1.        All yachts shall comply with ISAF offshore safety regulations Category 3.

$113.                   Personal Safety

$113.1.        RRS 1.2, 40 shall apply and it is the sole responsibility of the skipper to ensure that Life Jackets/Harness lines are carried for each member of the crew.

$114.                   Safety Forms

$114.1.        Before the start of all races an Entry /Safety form giving the names of skippers and crew, their affiliation to the Club and contact telephone numbers, shall be given to the Race Officer

$115.                   Prizes

$115.1.        Prizes will be awarded for each Class. The number of prizes will depend on the number of entries.

Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club

 The 2013 King Constantine Cup Race and ISORA P2P

Racing Entry Form





Owner/Skipper name

Yacht Name




Sail Number


IRC Rating TCC….(No.)

See note below if no valid Cert available


NHC (base number – this will be provided by the Race Committee)


Type / Class of Yacht





Telephone – Day



Telephone – Evening

Colour of hull


Fax No.


Non members - please state which RYA Affiliated Club represented


Mobile No,


Please provide e.mail address


Class Entered

Tick box




Enclosed Copy of current Certificate

Tick box





Tick box


Tick box


Saturday King Constantine & ISORA P2P



I enclose a copy of my current Rating Certificate


I do not have a valid IRC certificate and I would be obliged if the Race Committee would score the series using NHC (club)




I enclose £……………………….in entry fees

(cheques payable to Pwllheli Sailing Club) (cost code 4174)


I have paid at the Club Bar with my Club Card Receipt attached



Adequate third party insurance is held with respect to this yacht.  The yacht is fully equipped with safety equipment in accordance with its class requirement.

I hereby agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) that govern this regatta. I confirm that I have read the Notice of Race and accept its provisions and agree that my boat will conform to the requirements set out in the Notice of Race throughout the event

I herby indemnify Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club and the Sailing Committee against all claims whatsoever arising from my yachts participation in these races.

I agree to allow any photographs taken during the event to be used by CHPSC for promotional purposes.







Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club, Glan Y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT

Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.">Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

Office  01758 613343             Bar / Clubroom 01758 614442

Racing Dashboard - Information

DASHBOARD with all the information you need to race in Pwllheli. From the 'Race Information Dashboard' you can access the full library of useful information with charts, list of marks, the list of fixed courses, and the Rules.
This information is available on all Racing pages of the CHPSC website!

Racing Information

Race Programme

The 2024 Race Programme is available in pdf format

Race Prorgramme - Here

Entry Form

If you have not joined as a 'Skipper Member' you can enter the race or series on-line - just follow the link

Enter the Race - Here


The 2024 racing chart is available in pdf format

Windward/Leeward Chartlet -Here

Fixed Courses

All fixed courses for 2024 available in pdf format here - only use the 2024 version!

Fixed Courses - Here

Matrix of Marks

Matrix of Marks

A Matrix giving distance and course from one CHPSC mark to another

Matrix of Marks

A Matrix giving distance and course from one CHPSC mark to another. This is provided to assist competitors

Race Chartlet

Race Chartlet

A Chartlet of the bay showing the position of the Racing marks

Race Chartlet

A Chartlet of the bay showing the position of the Racing marks. A must have item in the cockpit whilst racing!

Course Cards

Course Cards

A library of all CHPSC courses

Course Cards

A library of all CHPSC courses

List Of Marks

List Of Marks

A list of all the CHPSC Racing Marks with co-ordinates and description

List Of Marks

The full list of racing marks and buoys with coordinates - is available in pdf format. Available by following the link

The Rules

Sailing Instructions

The CHPSC Club Racing Sailing Instructions 2024 - available in pdf format


List of 2024 SSIs

List of Supplemental Sailing Instructions 2024


RRS 2021- 2024

PDF copy of the RRS 2021-2024


Racing Rules Of Sailing

The new RRS are published by World Sailing - follow this link for more information from World Sailing


Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club has been organising club racing of the highest quality for many years in the World acclaimed sailing waters of Cardigan Bay.
New item
The Bay provides near perfect sailing conditions with lack of commercial shipping, no strong tidal flows and ‘clean’ prevailing wind from the south west.
New item
The racing arena is all only minutes from the safe harbour, the marina or from the Plas Heli pontoon berths

Pencampwriaeth Genedlaethol Gymreig IRC




Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli

Yr Hafan, Pwllheli, Gwynedd. LL53 5YT

Clwb Aelodau, yn Gysylltiedig â RYA a RYA Cymru ac yn Glwb Chwaraeon Amatur Cymunedol cofrestredig (CASC). Cwmni Cyfyngedig trwy Warant wedi'i gofrestru yng Nghymru. Rhif 673674.

Mae'r holl ffotograffau ar ein gwefan gyda chaniatâd caredig ein  Ffotograffwyr


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