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Friday 03 July 2009


What a difference a couple of years make!! 

The previous 2 Lyver Trophy Races had enjoyed their share of difficulties with either no wind and virtually no finishers or too much wind that the start had to be delayed by 12 hours which then postponed the prize-giving by 4 days. So this year we reckoned it was about time all the balls fell into place – and how right we were!!

The decision to move the start from Liverpool to Holyhead was not initially, with everyone, very well received. It was not a decision taken lightly but was one the organising committee thought would improve the entries from North Wales and Ireland. The race was to take place the Friday after Royal Dee’s Spring Regatta and would once again be a feeder race to the Volvo Dun Laoghaire Regatta which was starting on the following Thursday.

Entries from both North Wales and Ireland have been pretty thin in recent years but with the resurrection of ISORA by Peter Ryan, the Commodore of the National Yacht Club in Dun Laoghaire, we were hopeful of attracting some new boats to the start line.

As appears usual in yachting the entries were slow in arriving, to say the least, but by the time ‘race day’ arrived we had amassed 27 racing entries and 2 ‘cruising’ entries – a record for the Lyver Trophy. Of the 27, 10 of them had travelled across from Ireland and there were 2 from North Wales with the balance representing either Royal Dee or Liverpool Yacht Clubs, the joint organisers. Sadly we lost one before the start, Catch 32, who had damaged her rudder on the passage to Holyhead.

Alan Dickinson and Allan Price had been busy scrutineering all the entrants, which kept them on their toes as some only arrived a couple of hours before the start.

With a race start time of 2000 hrs and a forecast of 15-20 mph winds from the south the course was selected which took the fleet to the south of Dublin before the run back to the finish in Howth, a distance of about 95 miles.

The fleet assembled for the start that was to take place off the end of the breakwater at Holyhead. The line was from the light on the end of the breakwater to the Lady Meath Wreck Buoy with MV Gullmaren, the LYC trawler, acting as an inner distance mark about 50 metres off the end of the breakwater.

The start was an amazing sight with many boats jostling for position close to Gullmaren to get the best start. Thankfully it was a ‘clean’ start with the 26 racing fleet heading off towards the setting sun and the 2 cruisers taking their place at the rear.

As the fleet headed off the race team retired to Holyhead Sailing Club for an excellent meal before taking the 0230 ferry to Dublin. Being a conscientious lot we – that is Mary Dickinson, Derek Sparks, Jim Connolly and myself were on the finish line at Howth at 0630 awaiting the first boats home.

Just before 0930 hrs the first two, Another Nods & Mighty Max 2, crossed the line 5 seconds apart closely followed by Ulula. After these first three home the rest of the fleet arrived over a period of about 7 hours with the last boat home by 1645 hrs. We had 2 retirements, one of which motored in to Howth. Some of the Dun Laoghaire boats turned around on the line and headed back to their own marinas.

I think, without exception everyone had enjoyed the race. There were plenty of very complimentary and positive comments flying around the bar in Howth, though they may have been brought on by the quality and quantity of the Guinness!!

We had a presentation at 2100 hrs in the yacht club bar and the results for ISORA, the 3 Lyver Trophy Classes and the Lyver Trophy overall were announced. The results were:

ISORA Overall                       ISORA Class 1           ISORA Class 2

1st        Tsunami                                   Tsunami                Just Enough

2nd        Orna                                       Orna                    First of September

3rd        Just Enough                             Galileo                  Yahtzee


Lyver Trophy Class 1            Lyver Trophy Class 2          Lyver Trophy Class 3

1st        Another Nods             Panda Nova ll                         Flash ll

2nd        Mighty Max 2             Just Enough                          Di-Rich

3rd        Ulula                         Daydream Believer                  Tango

Lyver Trophy

1st        Another Nods

2nd        Mighty Max 2

3rd        Ulula  

4th        Tsunami

5th        Relentless

6th        Orna

Endeavour Award

Presented to Sarnia

Finally I have some people to thank.

Firstly the entrants, because without you the organisers would have nobody to moan about! Secondly the Joint Organising Committee from RDYC and LYC and particularly the Commodores, John Ireland and Mary Dickinson respectively for their support. Alan Dickinson, Allan Price and Alex Farrell for all their help at Holyhead and for bringing Gullmaren to the start. Nick Ledingham and his ‘Rib’. Everyone involved at Holyhead Sailing Club, especially Geraint Pritchard the Commodore and Colin ‘Cogger’ Jones who all went out of their way to make us welcome. Everyone at Howth Yacht Club who welcome us so openly each time we race there. Finally a very special thanks to Derek Sparks and Jim Connolly who have been the ‘constant’ of the race team for the past 7 Lyver Trophy Races.

Peter Summerfield  07.07.09

Racing Dashboard - Information

DASHBOARD with all the information you need to race in Pwllheli. From the 'Race Information Dashboard' you can access the full library of useful information with charts, list of marks, the list of fixed courses, and the Rules.
This information is available on all Racing pages of the CHPSC website!

Racing Information

Race Programme

The 2024 Race Programme is available in pdf format

Race Prorgramme - Here

Entry Form

If you have not joined as a 'Skipper Member' you can enter the race or series on-line - just follow the link

Enter the Race - Here


The 2024 racing chart is available in pdf format

Windward/Leeward Chartlet -Here

Fixed Courses

All fixed courses for 2024 available in pdf format here - only use the 2024 version!

Fixed Courses - Here

Matrix of Marks

Matrix of Marks

A Matrix giving distance and course from one CHPSC mark to another

Matrix of Marks

A Matrix giving distance and course from one CHPSC mark to another. This is provided to assist competitors

Race Chartlet

Race Chartlet

A Chartlet of the bay showing the position of the Racing marks

Race Chartlet

A Chartlet of the bay showing the position of the Racing marks. A must have item in the cockpit whilst racing!

Course Cards

Course Cards

A library of all CHPSC courses

Course Cards

A library of all CHPSC courses

List Of Marks

List Of Marks

A list of all the CHPSC Racing Marks with co-ordinates and description

List Of Marks

The full list of racing marks and buoys with coordinates - is available in pdf format. Available by following the link

The Rules

Sailing Instructions

The CHPSC Club Racing Sailing Instructions 2024 - available in pdf format


List of 2024 SSIs

List of Supplemental Sailing Instructions 2024


RRS 2021- 2024

PDF copy of the RRS 2021-2024


Racing Rules Of Sailing

The new RRS are published by World Sailing - follow this link for more information from World Sailing


Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club has been organising club racing of the highest quality for many years in the World acclaimed sailing waters of Cardigan Bay.
New item
The Bay provides near perfect sailing conditions with lack of commercial shipping, no strong tidal flows and ‘clean’ prevailing wind from the south west.
New item
The racing arena is all only minutes from the safe harbour, the marina or from the Plas Heli pontoon berths

IRC Welsh National Championship

IRC Welsh National Championships




Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club
Yr Hafan, Pwllheli, Gwynedd. LL53 5YT

Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club is a members club, a registered Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) and is affiliated to RYA and RYA Cymru Wales.  A Company Limited by Guarantee registered in Wales. Number 673674.

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