
Kirk, born in Bermuda, wanted to make a return journey home from Pwllheli. Wow, what a big ask. 
"THREE CHEERS" and crew, Kirks' son and Raine' set off only to be faced on the first night with a force 9 gale with another on the horizon. 

A very strenuous journey but nothing fazed the boat or crew.
21 days, non stop, to arrive at Bermuda in time for 'The Americas Cup'. Chill out on anchor and take in the beautiful scenery was pure bliss.
Kirk had not seen his daughter, family and brother for some time and now managing to meet and spend time together in glorious sunshine.
Time soon passed and after some general maintenance before the return journey Kirk and 'Raine were on their way.
Journey back was not as challenging and they made it back in 17days, an average of 176 nautical miles on the return journey.
What a great achievement for crew and boat. 6,000 nautical miles overall.
It was great to welcome them back at Pwllheli although Kirk said "I'm getting too old for this." However, we have heard that said before...........but cruising/ sailing is in his blood.
