The week end, started on the Thursday night when 16 out of the 19 participants met at the Sailing Club to discuss the week end ahead. A very enjoyable chat and social time. Two 'single handlers' decided to go on one boat, more company on a passage.......( as long as you enjoyed listening to the 'cricket' .......skipper instructions!!!!!)
Ten boats left the marina on Friday, 7 sailing boats and 3 power boats, all at different times, but keeping in contact. Night Music led the fleet, first time voyage, enjoying their sail using the East Passage for the very first time.
The seas were calm to start off with, but built up and built up. By the time the 'Power Boats' were on their way, it it was 'bouncy.......bouncy'.  Sailing boats were having a jolly sail and all the fleet waiting for the right time to access Aberystwyth Marina. Good team work assisting everyone to come in safely. The marina staff were BRILL!
It was tea time by the time everyone got in, and as agreed, Thursday night, people did their own thing 'so to speak.' Crash out, go out for a meal or just mingle.
Saturday was a 'sun behind the clouds' sorta day. After the 12:00 meet it was decided to go ahead with the BBQ at 1p.m and exceptionally well attended. It worked out well, great company and a splendid BBQ. The marina picnic tables served us well and the portable BBQ's ablaze providing 'food glorious food'.The time just fled by.  Did you know we have expert Chefs amongst us!!' We saluted Jon Booth, the new marina manager, for the staff making us so welcome.
We all agreed to meet up 7p.m at The Pier for a social get together. The criteria was:-enough room for 19 of us on a Saturday night in Aberystwyth, within walking distance, where people could eat, drink/ or follow their own agenda. It was great that everyone were there chatting away. After a couple of hours it was a mixture of 'stay put', KFC
(after wandering to find a chip shop ) or an Indian. Something for everybody, 'as they say.' The beauty of being in Aberystwyth, an University town,  plenty of   'choice' . 

The Power boats, and a couple of yachts, left early Sunday morning and had a more pleasurable trip back. Unfortunately, not enough wind for the sailors, but a flat mirror like sea, dolphins playing, seals fishing and a tranquil journey back in wall to wall sunshine with panoramic views and yes.......some wind to welcome us home.
One could say, a GREAT weekend.
Super Duper!   To see TEN boats gathering at Aberystwyth with its new layout being tested. GREAT welcome as always. The marina could not have been more helpful.
Congratulations to Lyn & Frank on their maiden voyage on Night Music.





Jake - Insomnia

Insomnia set off for Greystones. Although there was a question mark over the cruise due to the kids having a bug, they still set out on Wednesday. They arrived safely at Greystones. It took them 4 hours due to very disappointing visability of 5 miles or less with blankets of mist coming down frequently which meant that they had to cut the speed. Now relaxing at Greystones and the compulsory visit for the kids to Bray. Hey! Was it worth it?.........YES.  As Jake said "we had a fabulous time, but not long enough." The return journey was less arduous as the visibility was much better. 






Several trips to SCYC, when the tides are right its just a short cruise down the coast, and ideal.
Some Power boaters have joined the sailors when the weather is not conducive for Power Boating and makes the trip worth whille for everyone.
On the last trip there was a very special celebration, a RUBY WEDDING (we had no idea until we arrived. The chef made a cake, to everyones amazement. Very grateful for his 'surprise'. 
Two new sailors amidst us, first time on a sailing boat. Although been members of the Sailing Club for several years this was their first experience on a boat and smiles all around. We shall build up to rougher weather!!!!!!

