BJ Marine 'Power Boat Event.'

BJ Marine organised a 'POWER BOAT EVENT' last weekend (Saturday the 27th of May).
When the weather was looking favourable 8 boats from Ireland intended on arriving at Pwllheli on the Friday night and 15 boats from Pwllheli intended to join them on their return journey to Greystones on the Saturday.
However, the weather window was not a favourable one and three boats from Pwllheli took advantage of the weather window Wednesday/Thursday before the event, crossing to Greystones.
The four Irish boats came over to Pwllheli on the Friday with a Saturday return taking Merl (Pwllheli Boat ) with them. The reception at Greystones was generous and the  8 boats that managed to go over were well looked after. 
It was unfortunate that the weather had hinderd the event as 15 boats from Pwllheli had intended on going across. 
Two further boats did come across after the weekend as the weather improved. Fingers crossed for better weather next year. 


ireland 1ireland 2

ireland 3


Aberystwyth trip turned into a one day 'Raft U'. May the 20th. 2017.

The Aberystwyth trip did not materialise as the window to come home was not good. However, we made the most of it on the one and only good day, the intended participants enjoyed themselves rafting at Chapel Bay and had a brill BBQ. 

chapel bay
