Whilst at Greystones we had our own personal 'Air Show' whilst sitting in the cockpit having a tranquil chat whilst our 'Intrepid Explores' - Prada and Star Gazer had even a better view at Bray Sailing Club.

As Chris "Star Gazer" said:- 'The Intrepid Explorers docked at Dun Leoghaire and went to Bray on their bikes, it was quite an adventurous journey on the newly bought bikes.  Now "A NEW DESTINATION" bound for Malahide for a couple of days having a BBQ on a beautiful sandy beach by the sand dunes off Malahide Golf Course.

That evening before the Pwllheli boats dispersed on our own journeys we had a good social at Malahide Sailing Club where the Irish, Welsh, English, Scottish and IOM visitors all socialised and shared navigational interests.

As we heard an Irish guy say one day:
 "How do you know it's summer in Ireland?"
" The rain just gets warmer".....  Ha.....Ha......Ha...!!!!
Well! Nothing stopped the activities with the 'Intrepid Explorers' 'rain or sunshine. They must go on' was the moto :- cycling, picnicking and socialising!!!! (See pics) evidence of 'pure fun and enjoyment'.

Whilst 'Prada' and 'Star Gazer' went on from Malahide, to Howth and onto Ardglass, a total new adventure facing them. They found Ardglass idyllic and friendly.

The Intrepid Explorers were eager to explore more and MORE! They journeyed across the Irish Sea to Peel I.O.M - where yet again had a GREAT time. Martin came as a foot passenger to join the group, they hired a mini bus and explored the whole, or near enough, the whole of IOM. Then returning via Holyhead to Pwllheli. Covering this distance within their 2 week break avoiding bad weather was a great achievement.

prada ireland iom
