This Saturday, the 17th we were supporting our local  ' Glasfryn Parc' due  to the Cruise to Caernarfon being cancelled.

A real disappointment of having to cancel the Cruise to Caernarfon due to the weather, but we can't complain as we have been blessed with beautiful weather this year and many cruises taken place. We'll try again in the spring.

As always, a social gathering was arranged and on this occasion an alternative day at Glasfryn, Ten Pin Bowling, wowee! Twenty cruisers came by Mini Bus or cars  and "Yes" , it was  busy, busy, busy, but the Cruising Club were ready to fire. 

Mmmm!!!! Some said that they were 'not' competitive but 'action speaks louder than words guys!' When individuals got a 'strike' it was as if they had won the lottery, jumping with joy. However, 'the Gutter' was more than popular and brought us down to earth, so to speak.  Mind you the "Air Football" was gushing with volunteers and could have gone on for hours if it wasn't for the arrival of the minibus to take us back.

After two hours among good company and plenty of laughs we returned to finish the evening at Pwllheli Sailing Club.

