An early start from Pwllheli to calm waters, no wind. However, a good sailing breeze was welcomed and just awesome sailing.

Congratulations to Paul 'Sandpiper' for his Irish Sea crossing singlehanded, no mean feat.

Underpower, the motor yacht Papajena reached Greystones in FINE STYLE.

The Impromptu Cruise has been a great success, eight boats in all, making new friends, new achievements, and not to forget amazing wall to wall sunshine which makes all the difference. 

Due to commitments, certain boats had to return to Pwllheli after the weekend. but boats also continued to Malahide. 

A welcome picnic at Malahide Marina hosted by our Malahide Yacht Club friends was the 'icing on the cake.'

Glad that 'Concerto'also managed to join at Greystones mid week. 

Individual comments were:-

Views of cruisers visiting Greystones for the first time:-
"The Marina and hospitality of the town was out of this world. The food was stunning at 'Hungry Monk'and the Italian 'Bachellis.'"

"The overall experience from the Marina Manager welcoming us , the coursciousness of all concerned inc. the welcoming experience in the restaurants."

"Ease of travel to Dublin, accessibility of everything. A good base an ideal starting location. Certainly somewhere to come again."

"Firstly, the sense of contentment due to the company made you feel part of a very lucky group of people. "

"Paul accompanying us on Papajena, as an extra pair of hands, crossing the Irish sea made a difference 'A great success.'"

Tina Maria, Alan and Gresham indulged, as they say, in the biggest breakfast,in the Cafe close to the Marina. 

Mair and Dic on Concerto will be returning a.s.a.p to Greystones as their experience was such an enjoyable one.

The hill walk was a real challenge in the soaring heat, but some were fitter than others. The beach was also an attraction and one or two were brave enough to go for a swim.

Some boats were leaving on Monday so Sunday night was spent having a few drinks together in the Beach House Public House before everyone went on to their different destinations. 


Malahide was the next destination. The children waving at us on the beach as we were coming up the channel followed by a welcome picnic at the Marina hosted by our Malahide Yacht Club friends was the 'icing on the cake.'

Our Malahide experience was outstanding, yet again. The Malahide YC making us welcomed using the Picnic Area at the Marina, where a BBQ could also be provided by the Marina. A wonderful afternoon eating away overlooking the Marina - what an unique attraction.

That evening we were escorted by Howth Members to a BBQ evening. The Irish giving us a top class welcome as usual.


Malahide town is so accessible from the marina and plenty of eateries covering all tastes not to mention the Restaurant placed overlooking the Marina. All provisions are available in the town. Beautiful walks to the well known Malahide Castle and also round the lake where most of the dingy sailing takes place.

Overlooking the Marina you find a fitness suite, ideal if you wanted to burn some calories after overindulging. No takers from the Cruisers on this occasion however.

We were warmly welcomed by the Malahide Marina Manager on our departure and we expressed our thanks for a fantastic stay. "We shall be returning a.s.a.p". 

A GREAT Marina to visit on this part of the coast. A real wonderful experience in a picturesque setting.

